Emotions are Energy-in-Motion
In Celestial Communication, emotions are energy-in-motion expressed through the instrument of the body.
This is a place where anger, disappointment, sadness, grief, joy, contentment, fear, overwhelm, helplessness, loneliness, love, connection, power, playfulness, hope and creativity are all embraced.
In my own life, I learned very young that I needed to express myself; to move the big energy I was feeling through singing, dancing, acting and writing.
Emotions are fluid, and we learn to embrace them in the practice of Celestial Communication. Expressing more challenging emotions opens the way for all of the emotions. As Khalil Gibran writes: “Your joy is your sorrow unmasked…The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.”
When I am feeling stuck, overwhelmed, fearful, discouraged, or sad; I bring my emotion with me to the sacred sound. I listen to it, and feel it. I let the music run through me like a river of vibration.
As I begin to move and express from the listening space, I hear what the emotion is. It moves through me, along with the mantra or sacred words, and through this alchemy something new emerges. As I create with the sound, the movement becomes the medicine for my pain.
Through my own creativity, I heal myself. The energy of fear is transmuted into courage. Where there was sorrow, I now also experience joy. Where there was separation, I now realize there is connection too.
I feel the Infinite Being flowing through the sound, supporting me to discover the fullness of the experience of life, and the spark of the divine flowing through all living things.
Each of these songs with their Celestial Communication become a healing medicine for me. My intense and powerful emotions become a healing balm. And then I share.
“The cure for the pain is in the pain.” ~ Rumi
About Celestial Communication
Celestial Communication is a moving meditation focused on the upper body, especially the hands and arms. It is a form of musical meditation, practiced in harmony with the words and sounds of mantras, sacred texts, and poetry. By utilizing only the upper body, Celestial Communication emphasizes the connection to the heart, throat (the 5th chakra or creative center), third eye, and crown, which links to the infinite, while expanding the aura.
The origin of Celestial Communication lies in listening deeply—with your soul and entire being—to sacred sound. From this place of profound connection and feeling, the movement arises naturally. Emotions flow through you as an expression of the sensations within the sound, playing through the strings of your body and the chords of your soul. With Celestial Communication, you’re able to convey a story that may be difficult to express in words: the deeper meaning of a mantra that can be lost in translation, the stillness between movements, and the living, breathing, feeling of the sound as it comes to life through your body.