Moving From Your Head to Your Heart

an image of Adarsh and Kiranjot Kaur seated together at nighttime singing and moving in Celestial Communication

When you’re navigating your days — taking care of business, driving, gathering with family and friends, and attending to your health and routines — how often do you find that your shoulders are tense and high, that you’re holding your breath and have forgotten to exhale, or that you’re having stressful thoughts about what’s going to happen tomorrow? 

When this happens, you’re probably more in your head, than in your heart and body. Your mind is probably running the show with fears, worries or hypervigilance, trying to keep you safe. But in the process, you may lose touch with your presence and aliveness.

What happens, though, when you drop into your body and heart and really acknowledge what’s going on? How fast is your heart beating? Are you breathing? Where is there tension or discomfort in your body? And where do you feel spaciousness or relaxation? Can you sense what’s beneath all the thoughts — perhaps a fear or worry that simply needs attention or acknowledgment?

When you shift your awareness into your body and heart, you move closer to your natural state of wholeness. This allows you to access more of your emotions and inner resources. It may feel uncomfortable at first because you’re facing what you’ve been avoiding, but with practice, these feelings can lead you to more clarity, depth and trust.

When I drop into a Celestial Communication, this is how I feel. I slow down with the movements, listen to the sacred music, and give myself the space to be present and to feel. The energy gradually moves from my head down to my heart. I feel support from the Divine, from my own self, from nature and angelic beings. These supporters are always here, but when I get caught up in my own thoughts, I forget this reality. Perhaps you’ve felt that, too?

Creating Celestial Communication is a meditation in motion, a sacred practice of listening deeply—not just with the ears but with the body and heart. It invites you to feel into the music, to let go of the mind's need to control, and to trust that the body knows how to move and that the heart understands the sacredness of sound. In this space, the mind steps aside, allowing the heart to lead the way.

When I feel stuck, I turn to this creative practice. I choose a song that resonates with what I’m experiencing and I simply listen. I allow myself to improvise, to feel, and eventually, movement arises. Through this movement, I merge with the sound, honoring my emotions and experiences, and allow for a new and healing experience to emerge.

What we don’t express has a way of festering within us, creating stagnation. But when we bring our pain, fears, or blocks into the light of awareness—when we allow them to be felt and expressed—they reveal the tender beauty of our humanity. This is where we truly connect: with the Divine, with others, and with ourselves. This is one of the gifts of creating Celestial Communication.


If stepping more deeply into your creativity is something you desire, check out The Art of Creative Expression, my in-depth training in creating your own Celestial Communications and embodying your full, authentic creative self. Learn more, find out when the next training is, and add your name to the interest list here.


With love & creativity,